Unwinding old thoughts
Labels: blessing , cyclone , Happy New Year , song , wishes
Labels: inspiring thoughts , life , mirage , satisfied , sky
Labels: akshya patra , child eduction , free eduction
1]Concentrate on your breathing pattern,it will bring you closer to yourself.
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 17; the seventeenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
Labels: crime against women , crime aginst children , disturbed thoughts , mystery , worries
Contradictory to ‘’Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars’’, actually the fact is both are from same planet Earth and are not aliens. Keeping gender away from the pen,I am writing for men. We have been talking about the women’s exploitation, hurt, tolerance and other social issues related to women and forgot the other counter gender part. They have been victimized, misunderstood and agitated in relationships because of the lack of communication and expressions.
Who have not heard this phrase ‘’ Behind every successful man there is a woman’’ and actually want his woman to stand behind him for all her love and support but if the same woman tries to stand in front of him and try to pull him forward then the scenario would be different and would never prefer woman to overpower his ego. He wants his woman to work backstage though he always want her to smile and want to see her happy but he actually need to peep inside what is going on in her mind and what is important for her.
Man wants his women to listen to him, his needs and his silence, he wants her life revolving around him and even woman wants that. I am not flumping any of the gender instead , I believe that god created them this way only. Turn over the pages of history; we will come to know about the patience, tolerance, devotion of women towards her family. In return she lost her identity….Sita mata swallowed by the earth to let her free from all the sufferings of womanhood; Sati entered in fire to prove her love and respect for Lord Shiva and Savitri pulled her husband from the mouth of death. Man wants his wife to prove herself irrespective of era.
He wants his woman to give her all the time and love and care to him and his family without nagging and complaining him. Man usually compares his wife with his mother and wants to love his wife more than his father did to his mother. It might be a hypothesis but based on some facts and psychological aspect that is Oedipus Complex which says that a boy loves his mother and competes with his father to get all her love.He compares his wife with his mother but the fact is mother is mother and a wife can never compete with the mother.
Women expresses her hurt component in the form of tears, anger but men rarely trigger his tear glands to cry as ‘’men never supposed to cry’’, though he cry without tears and burst into anger and hurt others or if he tried to overpower his emotions, he would prefer to be alone and any disturbance in his that state of mind could lead to conflicts.
Because of his inherently indued egoistic nature men rarely show their concealed soft hearted nature and share their emotions of sorrows and weakness in front of others on contrary women expresses their heart out to the closed ones, cry for letting out her emotions and negativity and then normalize but a man carries a lot of weight on his chest and that is the reason ,he is more prone to heart breaks and aches.
Besides this every women must know what his man wants and vice versa to live a harmonious relationship and a balanced life. Usually conflicts arise due to sheer differences in perceptions on the individual level and often gender based but interestingly ‘’opposite attract each other’’ in real life as the magnetic forces do exist in relationship between men and women too.Often men get attracted to the beautiful looks and pleasing personalities initially but he prefers to live honestly and loyal with the one who is passionate and caring.
So whether it men or women ACCEPT AND ADJUST philosophy works for both of them. A man wants his wife to be happy always and if he failed to do that then he feel frustrated and then vicious circle of unhappiness and frustration goes on. One really needs to work very hard to break that vicious circle. Understanding mutually could stop the debate on what man wants and what woman wants.
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Labels: what man want , women power
Through the hazy eyes I looked at you,
''Mom you are so interfering.......mom don't disturb me ''
I tried to write few quotes and need feedback for the same.I always appreciate honest comments.
Labels: birth , crime against women , female foeticide , girl child
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largest community of Indian Bloggers at BlogAdda.com
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 16; the sixteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
"This post is written for BLOGESHWAR (link to the facebook page) and Anubhooti (link to anubhooti.com)
Labels: breast cancer , fate , ladies , life threatening , pain , sufferings , trauma
pHoNeS aRe ReAlLy SmArT
An incidence involving me...my friend ...phone tata DOCOMO
Breathing in air of Common Wealth Games and Blogadda's topic for the Contest revived the old refreshing moments which I forgot for quite sometime and lost in monotonous routine.Thinking about those days of freedom to live,play,act with innovative ideas.those days were the days which I know will never come back in my life.Now before going into the past ,I need to close my eyes to really come up with my childhood memories as if it was stored in an old treasure box which has been covered with the dust .
Labels: being human , human beings , old age home , old people , old sufferer , tomorrow it will be