Women Power?

Happy International Women Day

I am not generalizing entire mass of society but I am pertaining this to the majority of the people who show their shocked faces when they would be informed that its a baby girl. I have seen educated people with their masked faces try to hide expressions but become mute for a while. People behave like that because they know that ''The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, "It's a girl." ~Shirley Chisholm. Its very sad state of affair that female feticide stills  happens in this so-called modern era and people kill their daughters, how could they do so?

The psychology behind this approach is  they have seen girl dying in womb, if given a chance to survive than she might become pray for the sexually deprived cruel species , that species would never look at her age but on gender, they might destroy her zest for living and may be she would be thrown in gutters or deserted area; left her crying in midst of life and death and the next day she would become breaking news for news channel and if not then might be selled in masala news.
If she is fortunate to escape from these turmoil, then she would get married and burnt for dowry by her in laws. Our daily newspaper says it all.

Just to release stress , I would like you to go in the past and think about Sita mata, daughter of king Janak and wife of Lord Shri Ram, she proved herself throughout her life, being a princess, a queen and wife of Lord Shri Ram  suffered throughout her life and given agniparaksha to prove that she is pure for the sake of Maryada. I firmly believe in god but its an ironical state that women has been treated like this from ages.

Now I would like to share with you a story; based on real life. ...I have been told by my friend a story of two women belonged to a huge giant family. Let me give them name kiran and simran. Simran was a selfless lady, would always devoted her time to meet the demands and needs of that family and she was happy.Family members took her for granted, she has been treated like a housekeeper and not as a family member but she was too innocent and so much involved in all that, that she never felt it. But when division of the family and division of house happened; she lost herself completely; forgot all her roles as a wife,mother,daughter in law,sister in law....and went into deep depression .She started showing extreme behaviour ....she used to be submissive at one time and at the other moment she used to burst in a fit of rage. Can you imagine how it would affected her kids, their childhood was at stake and they became insecure yet mature....too mature for their age. I have read in psychology that mother transfer her fears,anxiety and other emotions as well and that happened with those kids too. After suffering so much in her life, she silently left the world,the world which became hell for her .

The other women in the same family was Kiran and she was the lady of the house,though she was living in the same joint family but the from the very beginning she drew lines and never worked for other family members.She was focussed on her family and her kids and was just a mother and wife. She was the boss of the house and smart in handling matters.She used to give orders to Simran and get all her work done.She is still alive,happy and healthy even in the oldage.Nobody ever dared to take advantage of her.Her story reminded me the famous quote by Roseanne Barr
''The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ''

That was the story of two different women playing their roles differently.So tell me What is the moral of the story?this question I would like to be answered by the readers.

Forget about the gender thing, I think both belongs to the same planet and must share a harmonious relationship by understanding and respecting each other.With that note I would like to share this quote
“The only way for a woman, as for a man, to find herself, to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own. There is no other way,” by Betty Friedan.

I am tagging here my  blogger friends to participate in this contest.


Sathish Kumar February 22, 2011 at 12:21 AM  

At any point of juncture, the arrogant, hatred, terrible nature of some parts of the society still entertaining "Female Foeticide" is indigestible, and should be punished severely to eradicate this sort of barbarianism from this modern world.

Clearly, the moral of the story sketch as " Bold, Confident, Commanding skills and self focussed nature of a woman will lead to a respectable, satisfactory and meaningful life".

But, I don't prefer both the qualities of Simran and Kiran to be neglected/adored separately, respectively. Imagine a woman having a perfect blend of both the qualities and possessing the tendency of balancing herself in taking measures and decisions in her each and every steps rationally". That sort of women are souls of India. They are plenty in our country who actually keep our life and world moving....Pratibha...!

And, congrats...! Your blog has a very fresh, neat and a well organised look..!

Also, Sorry for letting a long gap in visiting the posts..!

Dr. Pratibha Singh February 22, 2011 at 9:56 PM  

@ full marks for the moral of the story and yes,I feel that nobody on the earth can make you feel inferior without your permission.Its on us; how do we want to be treated.If we worth ourselves, people will percieve the same.
Glad you like the new look of my blog.
Thanks for the wonderful gesture.

magiceye February 23, 2011 at 3:01 AM  

well done again!!

best wishes for the contest!

Sarah malik February 23, 2011 at 4:02 AM  

very rightly said! Its sad but a bitter truth that somehow girls are still frowned upon specially in under-developed and developing countries of India and africa and not treated as a equal part of our society.
In spite of a the numerous roles of generosity and wisdom they play- being a responsible daughter,wife,sister and mother..the patriarchal society doesn't seem to give up on their rigid mentality.
as for ur incident- i think its only with KNOWLEDGE and literacy that women will learn to rise with confidence and not give away to the unethical behavior shown by those so-called superior mortals!

and thnks for tagging me in the post..i really feel honoured :))


Teamgsquare February 23, 2011 at 5:04 AM  

Nicely written . Hope there will be a day where all girl baby will welcomed as boy baby .

Someone is Special February 23, 2011 at 6:47 AM  

Pratibha, truly a wonderful post.. The way you said about girl baby being killed or the things that she faces in this world are commendable..

the pic, life and the death, Sita, and the great story followed by your wonderful poem.. Awesome.. I wish you to win...

Someone is Special

Unknown February 23, 2011 at 9:11 AM  

keep in touch..

Arti February 23, 2011 at 10:55 PM  

So very beautifully written, felt so proud reading this wonderful piece!
The poem is excellent as always full of optimism...
Best wishes for the contest, Hope You WIN :)

Blue Lotus February 24, 2011 at 4:38 PM  

I would've screamed "Yipee" if they tell me it's a girl...It disgusts me to no end,the female infanticide.As if the girl baby was unwanted!Thanks Pratibha for the blog,it would require much more than education and sensitization..

Raksha Bhat February 25, 2011 at 1:41 AM  

Very thought provokingly written.Thanks for the tag,here is my post:

Good day to you Pratibha:)

anatreek February 25, 2011 at 5:47 AM  

I can still see prejudice in my own family..I dono when people will realise!

Anonymous February 25, 2011 at 6:07 AM  

Social issue rightly put up. It's a real dilemma.

Arpana February 25, 2011 at 9:55 AM  

I completely agree with all stated points of the post.You brilliantly categorized two different lives and aptly narrated the consequences they handled their lives.Offcourse it is important to show some self worth-rightly stated by you as we are the first person who respect ourselves then only we command respect from others.Inspiring!
And thanks for adding me on your friend list.Its a really feeling good and i had wasted good time on searching the article on indusvallywoman.com.

Anonymous February 25, 2011 at 10:19 AM  

wow..very impactful..u r so true people have become modern but not in this shpere..

RaNiiiiii February 27, 2011 at 10:07 PM  

Nicely written Pratibha.. good luck for the contest..

Dr. Pratibha Singh February 28, 2011 at 1:53 AM  


@Sarah-very rightly said.thanks!evenI think literacy and knowledge will help women in finding their position in family and workplace.So thoughtful of you and liked your opinion on the subject.

Dr. Pratibha Singh February 28, 2011 at 1:57 AM  

@Dhiraj-very well said.thanks!

@SIS-Thanks for the encouraging comment and glad you liked it.

@Tarun-welcome to my blog and writing such a wonderful comment.Hope to see you again here.

Dr. Pratibha Singh February 28, 2011 at 2:00 AM  

@Arti-pleased to hear encouraging words from you Arti!

@Blue lotus-yipee its a baby girl...I actually want people to say that.loved the way you expressed it.

Dr. Pratibha Singh February 28, 2011 at 2:02 AM  

@Raksha-my pleasure Raksha!

@Ana-thats very sad but unfortunately the truth.

Dr. Pratibha Singh February 28, 2011 at 2:04 AM  

@Arpana-thanks for reading and believing in it .

@Pramod ji-thanks!

Dr. Pratibha Singh February 28, 2011 at 2:06 AM  

@Indianvalueswevalue-its a huge compliment.

@Ranii-thanks for the wonderful comment.

the critics February 28, 2011 at 8:40 AM  

this is true......i am a post graduate student in radiology, though people know it is against law to detect sex of baby during antenatal period they will constantly bug asking for the sex.

why is this status only god should answer. A baby born is a baby born, there should be happiness and warmth derived from the cry and laugh of that baby.

But instead people want a male child to be born and this still happens.

Only education and intellectual enlightening of people minds can change the face of this society.

for the blog i have to give cheers to you pratiba. you write good and you write about what is good ...cheers to you

Simran February 28, 2011 at 10:32 PM  

Excellent post!
You showed that humanity is still there!
Proud of you my dear . Iam impressed by your loving and caring personality..This cruel world needs a people like you!

Loved your blog :)
Following you my talented friend ...!
Thanks for your sweet comment!
Lot's of wishes and Love...

Dr. Pratibha Singh March 1, 2011 at 5:57 AM  

@the critic-very well said and I can understand how it feels when they constantly bug.
Awareness,knowledge and enforcing law can help possibly.

Dr. Pratibha Singh March 1, 2011 at 6:00 AM  

@Simran-You are such a wonderful person, your words are more than inspiring for me.Its my pleasure to have you here on my blog and commenting like this.I have no words to thank you.
thanks for following my blog and love for my blog.Hope to see you again and again on my blog.Happy Blogging!

Perception March 1, 2011 at 8:50 AM  

Moving story but does not getting involved with patient a surfire way to shorten your carrer

Dr. Pratibha Singh March 2, 2011 at 3:00 AM  

I think have commented for the other post.well, thanks for the wonderful piece of advice.

Beyond Horizon March 6, 2011 at 9:56 AM  

Its an irony on the land where goddess is worshipped and at same time occurrence of female foeticide

All the best for the contest!!!
Thanks for the tag and sorry too for not completing it

Dr. Pratibha Singh March 9, 2011 at 1:56 AM  

Yes Poonam,very rightly said that and thanks for the wishes.

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