Skipped Childhood

Many a times, we are captious by nature and find excuses to blame something or someone. How many times do we actually act? Sometimes Yes, Mostly No! Because most of us are just Too Busy To Care. At times, we might follow the issue, but fail to act on it. Many of us want to do something for society but are unable to take out time. We feel, we reflect, we want to contribute, to act but something comes in the way. We feel inspired, moved and also guilty for not doing that something, anything. Most of the time, that inspiration loses its way in our packed, no-time-to-think, no-space-to-breathe, BUSY schedules.

am too busy to care, but want to do something. Jaago Re and are helping me do my bit for the society.

I am sharing what 'I Saw and I Learnt' at in association with

Child labor and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labor to the end of time.
-- Grace Abbott

We are too busy in our own world to look into those innocent eyes who work in dhabas, stores, ironing your clothes, they are all around and they are carrying burden on their shoulders to earn for their family  or god knows,for whom they have been exploited.We all are aware of this fact but never put  kind thoughts into action and I am not an exception , the one amongst you; was  suffering from TBTC [Too Busy To Care ] syndrome . A few months back, a child, whom my neighbor claimed to be of 15 year old was working for her family.They were using him, his childhood by occupying his time in household chores, he was working day and night just for food or may be for leftovers.I felt bad for him and asked my neighbor about his age then she said he looks younger than his age, I was skeptical about that but I was too busy to go further into the detail. One day my cousin came and saw him working so hard then he decided to file complaint against child labor  and teach my neighbors a lesson.The next day concerned people from child labor department came and sent that child to his native place, penalize them for such an iniquitous act. I was happy but I could be happier if I would have done this yet my cousin felt great of his doing and so I felt for him.
I got the lesson of life that one should take an action, one needs to go to an extra mile to transform the thought process into action.

Childhood is a stage
to rejoice,play,learn ,explore 
to draw beyond boundaries
to observe like a scientist
talk like an inquisitive mind
dream the fairy tale
color their vivid imagination

suddenly he got up from sleep
which was sweet indeed
but reality is something else
he skipped his days of childhood
he was forced to work
he worked and worked
never had a chance to speak his mind
he was named ''chotu''

for people's convenience
none had time to ask his name
people are too busy
to get their work done
to busy to give a thought
that he is a child
probably younger than their own child
just getting their work
for minimal wages
but at the expense of childhood
which is the age to play,learn and grow
but they remain chotu throughout their lives
and die with this name

Who is responsible for this?
We, who think but not act.

Where to complain if one comes across any incidence of Child Labour

 1. Police Station
Lodge a complaint at the nearest Police Station
Link to all Police Stations all over India:

2. Labour Commissioner of the concerned State
For contact details of State Government Labour Departments, see

3. Prathan Helpline for Child Labour
Call 022 -  65134884 or email to
(Rescue helpline for Mumbai & Maharashtra)            
 For more details, visit

A toll free 24-hour telephone help line 1098 for children in distress can be accessed in 72 cities of the country.
CACL Central Secretariat: C/o- PECUC, VIII-H-26, Sailashree Vihar ,Bhubaneswar - 21, Orissa, India., Tel: 0674 - 2740178 Fax : 0674 - 2740432
This helpline, easily remembered in Hindi as “Dus, Nau, Aath”,  is presently working in the following 72 cities:
Agartala, Aurangabad, Chennai, Guwahati, Kanchipuram, Kozhikode, Nadia, Pune, South 24 Paraganas, Varanasi, Shimla, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Kanyakumari, Kutch, Nagapattinam, Puri, Thiruvananthapuram, Vijayawada, Ludhiana, Ahmednagar, Baroda, Cuddalore, Imphal, Karaikal, Lucknow, Nagpur, Rourkela, Thirunelveli, Vishakhapatnam, Akola, Bhopal, Delhi, Indore, Kochi, Mangalore, Nasik, Ranchi, Thrissur, Waynad, Allahabad, Bhubaneshwar, East Midanapore Jammu, Kolkata, Madurai, New Jalpaiguri, Salem, Tiruchirapalli, West Midnapore, Alwar, Chandigarh, Goa, Jaipur, Kollam, Mumbai, Patna, Shillong, Udaipur, Agra, Amarawati, Cuddalore, Gorakhpur, Kalyan, Kota, Murshidabad Port Blair, Sholapur, Ujjain and Gurgaon.
Know more about help line 
or See


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton Season 2 edition 18; the eighteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives” -William James


I wish I could change the system
everybody thinks like that
when it actually needs the action
we withdraw
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl

change can happen
by awakening souls
by thinking same thought
over and over again
by all, who wants to change
change needs a strong step to put forward
infedility to own self
if you can't stand that change
you feel strongly about

the change is required
change required for those innocent kids
who either beg on traffic signal
or used by people for their selfish motives
change is required to worth a human being
exploiting people for minimal wages

change is required
to prove that we are not cattle class

change is required
to put those boards down
which says
''dog and indians are not allowed''

change is required
to live life with self respect and respect for country
to which we belong
respect those who are sharing same land
respect every human being irrespective of caste, creed,region,religion...
respect who we are

Prove it by action
Let the world know
that we have changed
Revolution begins with a thought
so share this thought
and believe that we need a

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Commitment to Life

Get your story published in The Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul – Indian Doctors at BlogAdda

Miracles do happens and it had happened in my life too. I am from doctor’s family and I am not an exception to it. My father and mother both are doctor and they have been my inspiration, had sowed the seed to be a doctor in me. Medicine is in our blood; I mean the science and do not go by the literal meaning.

I was too small to remember those times but could never forget those flashes of memories, deep seated in my mind. What age I was? I cannot say but how could I forget my father’s face with butterfly rashes , unexplained fever, body ache, joint pain, and his sufferings, which he never expressed but felt. He had been taken to the one of the best hospitals for the treatment but those qualified doctors could not diagnose the problem he had. He had admitted to the well-known hospitals but they failed to understand the disease. My mother was the only strength and we were the only source of inspiration to him. In the day, my mother used to work in the clinic and in the night, she used to stay in the hospital to look after my father. It had been a tough time or I can say testing time.

A few so-called doctors declared that he would not survive and he is suffering from SLE[Systemic Lupus Erythromatoses],SLE is a complex disorder affecting a predominantly young population and shares similarities with HIV infection as regards the propensity for multiple organ involvement, potentially life-threatening episodes, and need for sophisticated monitoring. SLE is an autoimmune disease , a collagen disease which was controlling my father’s body and it had affected kidney, heart, liver, spleen ….. He had heart attack a couple of times. My mother used to cry alone but never affected us instead showered her unconditional love. She was determined and never quit.Our relatives never supported us in those times though my parent helped them in their worst times.

Doctors declared that his condition is critical, but my parents were ready to face anything and have full faith in god. My father wanted to live for his wife and children but he had a weak body yet a strong mind. He had been on  heavy dose of steroids, he had been taking those medicines for years and even today, he is on maintenance dose. He along with the medicines took Ayurvedic medicine to build immunity against diseases, started yoga; he really had worked hard to live healthy life. My mother helped him in recovering and she is Sati of modern era for me.

One incidence still pondering in my mind, when I was small and my father was suffering from that disease. Because of heavy dose of steroids, he used to get often irritated and angry so he asked me to bring a glass of water for him. I was too busy in playing with my doll and I did not listen to him, that made him angry and suddenly had a tight slap on my face. I was too sensitive, even raising voice and change in tone was enough to make me cry. I went in the corner and started sobbing as Papa always considered me apple of his eyes and I thought that how could he hit me when he loves me so much…….he hit me that means he does not love me anymore. I was weaving these thoughts in my mind; my father had been watching my expressions and absorbed what I was going through. It brought tears in his eyes and he came to me, sat on the floor to accompany me. He said ''beta I am sorry'' and he started weeping for his helplessness; it was the moment I felt ashamed of myself and thought that I am responsible for bringing tears in his eyes, how could I thought like that. I wiped away his tears and gave him a tight hug.This hate poem will show how much I hated that fatal disease called SLE.

SLE….I hate you

For making my father sick

I wanted to sit on my father’s shoulder

But you gave him joint pain

I wanted to play with him in park

But you gave him photosensitivity

I wanted to share my emotional things with him

But you made him emotional than me

You have taken his years

And all you gave him…

The suffering

Of body and mind

You affected his all organs

Used his body

Without his permission

You never knocked the door

Entered whenever we tried to smile

You have taken our smiles

Our hopes


Its enough

We will not entertain you anymore

My father is strong enough to give you a hard kick.

We together, the family will throw you out

Hate you for taking our family time

Just go to hell SLE

Life had taught us tough lessons when we were too innocent for that. Thanks to God that time took a turn and my father recovered from that disease.A miracle by god's grace and my belief in god became stronger hence forth.

Despite his health conditions, he provided us the platform to show our talents. He encouraged us to strive for excellence; he inspired us to be better a person. He inculcate the positive vibes in us, he never knew the word impossible and told us the same. With god’s grace, he is with us and inspiring us, the way he did in the past. He is the best human being, father, husband…..and the best doctor who gives time to his patient and treats poor patients free. He had been a patient; empathize with his patient because he really understands what his patients are going through. I am so proud of him that not only he is treating his patients in best possible ways but also he helped himself to take control of his own life. Hats off! To you PAPA

                                 ‘’Strong will power is fatal to the disease’’

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BLOGGING makes me feel light hearted.To me its a medium for the outflow of emotions which are woven around me from quite sometimes and were controlling me and hovering my mind and soul.
Oh! I am so relaxed now.
Definately, it has therapeutic effect.So keep healthy and happy blogging.

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