Finding Self in Lockdown

This post has been published by me as a part of Blog-a-Ton 59; the fifty-ninth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. In association with ​IndiCreator. For Creators. By Creators.. Share Your #LockdownTales at

Life in lockdown is so different
Sometimes its weird and sometimes difficult
The roller coaster ride goes on and on
You can’t jump out of it even if you want
Sometimes you go up and sometimes down
It feels like postpartum depression sometimes
Whether you like it or not you have to deal with it
Life sometimes comes with no choice
Mask is hiding the real me when I go out
Mask is also a rescue to hide your expressions
when you want to hide it

Because of lockdown
Now I know more about myself
I am getting time to introspect myself
I know how I feel and why I feel in a certain way
I respect myself even more than before
I am becoming forgiving to myself
I have been hard with me
I pushed till I couldn’t push and than I realized why I am doing it
What I want to prove
to myself or to the world

So many people died different death
Relationship changed overnight
A very tiny virus moved the life upside down
And we have been trying to be the powerful all this while
It was very much needed hard hitting kick for all of us
To see where we are and why we are in this situation
People who are mindful are going very well in this phase
The false pride has no place
The big goons died petty death
Some are lost as they could not hold themselves
Life is a roller coaster ride
We like it or not but we have to take that ride.
Somewhere I feel it was needed for the environment
and for the air we are breathing
Animals are moving freely on street
we the human are caged in homes

We call it lockdown
Actually we are locked within and exploring without traveling to the
The peace we were looking for in different places
We never knew it was all inside
I will keep going on as it’s lockdown
Pouring the thoughts which were locked inside for long.
After a very long time I am writing today for 
 #LockdownTales #BlogATon59.  

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Show your support for the hastags #BlogATon59 & #LockdownTales. Participation Count: XX. 

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BLOGGING makes me feel light hearted.To me its a medium for the outflow of emotions which are woven around me from quite sometimes and were controlling me and hovering my mind and soul.
Oh! I am so relaxed now.
Definately, it has therapeutic effect.So keep healthy and happy blogging.

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