My imagination was vivid
but the reality is ambagious

"Truth is stranger than fiction"

what we think the reality would be
is our perception of life
when we think, 
we think the way we are 
and the way we think of it
but it is not always 
that things that we think will turn the way we thought of it
but it turn the way it should be
or the way it meant to be
we can control ourselves 
and things we are responsible for
but we can not control the things which we are not
things which we can't change
we are not in charge of that
but what we are charged of
should be taken care of

truth is stranger than fiction

when we are stranger to our own self

when we know who we are

what we are for
what we have to be

when we are in the world of imagination

truth seems weird
but when are in reality
its the biggest truth
when we step from fantasy world to the real world
things change...
change for good and it is the need for survival
reality kicks a person to wake up from the sleep of comfort

when we are in comfort zone

we actually don't value the comfort
when we work hard for the day and come back home
we don't realize when we sleep
things become meaningful when it shaped into reality
i dreamt what i want be
but i achieved it when i actually put all of myself into it
when other things blurred
i actually saw the fish's eye
the way Arjun saw
i actually become foccussed
it started with a seed of wish
i watered it with my sweat and sleep
now i am on the way
still learning and growing
now i am loving
facing the challenges of life
challenging life to challenge me more
to keep the urge of learning at peak
never want it to die for dream
till this dream becomes true
till the other strong dreams occupy my mind

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BLOGGING makes me feel light hearted.To me its a medium for the outflow of emotions which are woven around me from quite sometimes and were controlling me and hovering my mind and soul.
Oh! I am so relaxed now.
Definately, it has therapeutic effect.So keep healthy and happy blogging.

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