Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Are We Safe?

hell! we are living in here
days are dark and the nights are nightmare
no place is safe
you never know who is next
moving on road is scary
eyes are piercing
comments makes you feel give a tight slap to the person
but the fear makes you shrug
just want to reach home
safe and sooner as you can

we talk about women power 
but her fate is in the hand of by-passer
women is doing this and that
but these womanizer
frustrated, filthy monsters
who are king of roads

no law no fear
they are so sure
what if they caught
nothing will happen
where are we heading?
are we dying
or sleeping souls?

how can we let it happen
kill those bastards
those creepers
they must die
they must be get the solid one
they should know whom they are treating to
or they have learnt this way
they show what they are
they must be treating their mothers,sisters and daughters like this

look at that girl
the spirit in her
suffering excuciating pain of life
surviving on  life support
she wasn't destined to be there
those .......... should be there
who did that

god bless that girl and give her strength to stand again........

1 comment:

  1. I could feel your righteous anger. I too feel like that. Something needs to be done to decimate the 'kings of roads.'

